Powerful Together – Hamilton Locke and Source

HPX Group (formerly Halo Group Holdings) is excited to share our rebrand alongside some changes to our businesses Hamilton Locke and Source.

In addition to our brand refresh, we are excited to announce the merger of our businesses Source, Emerson CoSec, Compliance for Business, MacMillan Trade Marks and Evolution Corporate Services. These businesses will adopt and expand into the Source brand effective 13 October 20222.

We recognised that professional services needed to evolve. HPX Group brings together Hamilton Locke and Source to provide exceptional legal, governance, risk and compliance services.

Hamilton Locke and Source are Powerful Together. Hamilton Locke and Source work in unison to provide the most practical and effective professional services on the market, no matter your business size or need.

We have been looking forward to sharing this news with you, as it represents not only the next step in our journey but will deliver further benefits and value in what we can offer you and your business.